Sunday, August 10, 2014

Bodyworks Gym and Fitness Centre

        I'm a gym guy. So this is the forth gym that I've joined since my long holidays started way back in April. It's very near to my previous gym (Orient fitness) which I had posted before

The notice board downstairs notifying about the operation hours. 

Warming up before entering the gym, perhaps?

Can you spot my previous gym opposite? The green building =)

        My first take on this gym was: Was I entering a gym museum? This is the lockers section. It was very small and looks dilapidated. The gym has a space of three shoplots combined at the third floor. The floor was rubber and the equipment were all over the place. 

View from the locker's area

Quite messy arrangement that I had to take some time to locate each machine

The weights section which has, sadly, only dumb bells. I was looking forward to at least a few barbells. Well, that's what you get for a cheap price of RM45/ month. Can't complain too much right?

The weights were not the best I would have wanted but at least they can still be useful at some point. 

Old old weights covered with rust. Seem like those things survived from the 90's.

Pictures around the gyms showing models which, hey, did you come from the 80's?

Ignore the television and just focus on the cardio machines. I bet you never saw such a thing before in you life, have you? It's a cycling machine that looks so....ancient.

There are some new ones actually, but they decided to keep the old ones here as well. For display purposes?

        If you are observant enough, you will notice that on the treadmills, a box is placed just below the monitor. I took a closer look only to discover that it is actually like a slot machine, in which you insert coins to get the thing moving. In other words, you have to pay for using the treadmills? I'm not too sure about that cause I do not usually use the treadmills in the gym.

        I wonder how long has this gym been operating.  The equipment look so old and some are rusty. The environment is not as good as the one in orient fitness but it's still better than nothing. Perhaps by time to come, I will be able to enjoy my workout time in this gym, going through the 'cultural shock' from a classy gym to an ordinary gym.



        为期一个星期,为募集慈济在马来西亚的建设基金,大爱之夜的活动,在槟城演艺术中心举行。每一场,都有三百多人来参与。前天被妈妈强逼有幸参与了慈济的大爱之夜。听说是有备受瞩目的vox玩声乐团, 英文称 Acapella,演出才让我比较有兴趣地去看看是怎么一回事。既然爸爸妈妈已经参与了前两场,那只有我和弟弟相伴出席。

Straits Quay的槟城演艺术中心





访问感恩户.  (注:感恩户,只在生活中突遭变故,而需暂时接受慈济济助的人)

        VOX 玩声乐团演绎了多种歌曲。从古典歌甜蜜蜜,何日君再来,龙的传人,到现代的菊花台以及欧式摇滚曲 Rolling in the deep. 六位歌手都只是以歌喉,把每首歌发挥得淋漓尽致。当中还能‘唱’出二胡,鼓等乐器的伴奏。

               VOX玩声乐团,是“A Cappella”(阿卡贝拉无伴奏合唱)人声乐团,也是流行音乐团体,成军于2012年,是由六个大男生所组成的纯人声演唱团体,喜欢在人声里分享单纯的感动,擅长演唱现代A Cappella,曲风为流行音乐摇滚风格。经常将流行音乐改编为A Cappella版本,并在YouTube上播送,也是台湾第一支以阿卡贝拉为职业演出的团体。由重量级音乐制作人“李寿全”老师带领的“VOX玩声乐团” 打造“VOX玩声乐团”尝试多元的演出的风格,让音乐玩得更火热!根据纯人声音乐跨国性整合平台--中华畅声亚洲音乐协会(Vocal Asia)纪载,VOX玩声乐团是目前台湾最活跃、也是最受瞩目的A Cappella 团队之一。 (摘自 wikipedia VOX玩声乐团 

                 表演10时正圆满结束。真希望大马也可以出现这种玩声乐团 =)
