Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Klinik Asas

As the tail end of the 'klink asas' approaches, i realise that the fun might just end here. Into the 4th week in HUKM , life certainly had its ups and downs. What the future upholds is still a huge question mark. Hectic schedules and stressful conditions? Cheerful and informative? No one really knows...

Im starting to like the settings of clinical life. It's one strange dimension that is so uncertain and full of surprises. Come next week , I will be in Negeri 9 for a camp. We are required to join the camp as part of our preparation for the 3rd year.

At this point of life , I'm very grateful for the events that unfolded. May this sanguine feeling guide me through the clinical years =)

Yik Ping

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